On May 21, 2024, by the decision of the Listing Committee of the Baku Stock Exchange (BSE), the shares of "Legion Financial" OJSC were listed in the standard market segment of the Baku Stock Exchange.

The subscription for the mentioned shares started on 24.05.2024 and will continue for 3 business days.

The underwriter for the placement is "Assist Finance Investment Company" OJSC.

You can get the issue prospectus of the shares on the BSE website from the section "Profile of issuers" (https://www.bfb.az/az/emitentler).

Information on shares is as follows:

Name of the issuer

"Legion Financial" OJSC

State registration number - ISIN


Type and form of shares

Common denominated stock

Number of shares

13,000 (pcs)

Initial trade price

100 AZN

Release volume

1,300,000 AZN


"Assist Finance I.Ş" OJSC

Release date for trading

It will be reported by the issuer

Placement form

Subscription method